City of Center Press Release
CENTER, Texas (June 5, 2013) – The City of Center is excited to announce the upcoming Roughrider Drive reconstruction and expansion project. “Roughrider Drive is one of the most important thoroughfares in Center,” explained Center Mayor David Chadwick. “This road allows access to Wal-Mart, Center Marketplace, two schools, and our park system.”
The plan calls for Roughrider to be reconstructed in concrete from the intersection of Hurst Street west 1,300 feet. “By rebuilding Roughrider in concrete, the street should have virtually no maintenance for a very long time,” said Center City Manager Chad Nehring. “Also, an extra driving lane will be added to help alleviate traffic congestion issues.”
Construction will begin next Monday, June 10 and should be completed before August 15. The road reconstructions will be scheduled and completed in alternating lane sections. “We are very pleased that the contractor is accommodating as this will allow the maintenance of road access to all businesses and limited through traffic,” Mayor Chadwick further said.
Nehring continued, “We ask for everyone’s patience as we complete this project. We are aware that Roughrider is one of the most travelled streets in town and this will be inconvenient for a short time. However, once we have gone through this process, Roughrider will be able to accommodate more traffic for many years to come.”
City of Center
617 Tenaha Street
Center, Texas 75935
Jim Gibson